Griffin DeWatering

Southeast Regional Manager


Will Keyes has been firmly focused on the groundwater industry for over a decade. He is a National Groundwater Association Certified Well Driller as well as a licensed well contractor in several states. Will has helped to develop environmental drilling programs and processes with different companies during his career that have led to their long-term success in the environmental remediation marketplace.

During his career Will has overseen several large-scale environmental remediation projects which include in-situ remediation, hydro-fracking, bio-injection, thermal-remediation, and pump & treat technology. He used his time on these projects to hone his skills in the environmental industry and helped develop practical application methods of injection and in-situ remediation for several of his clients.

Will now leads the Southeast operations for Griffin Dewatering. His primary focus in this role is CCR(coal combustion residuals) remediation projects as well as complex dewatering systems with water treatment on impacted sites. Will has been working with the department of energy for almost 15 years to help manage environmental projects with time sensitive requirements. He works closely with CCR and CCP program directors to help them safely manage their ash hauling efforts as well as guide them in safe dewatering practices during ash basin closures. Will had a major role in the data collection process of several planned closures early in his career, working with design teams to complete pilot studies in ash basins.

Will has a strong passion to ensure knowledge is passed on trough dedicated technical training and apprenticeship programs. He has had the pleasure of developing and managing different mentoring programs with many of the firms he has been associated with. At Griffin Dewatering he now manages the apprenticeship program which helps to create the next generation of dewatering and environmental remediation superintendents.

When Will is not working he enjoys spending time with his wife and two children, they have a cabin in the mountains and love being outdoors.


Contact: (704) 290-6904

[email protected]