
Principal Scientist and Technical Lead


Stephanie Fiorenza, Ph.D., is a Principal Scientist and Technical Lead for the Oil & Gas sector at Arcadis U.S., Inc.  Her primary experience as a remediation technology specialist is in site assessment, remediation and research on PFAS and other emerging contaminants, chlorinated solvents and petroleum hydrocarbons.  Prior to joining Arcadis, she was employed by BP’s Remediation Engineering and Technology group in Houston, TX.  Dr. Fiorenza is involved with several professional organizations. She is Vice Chair of ASTM International’s E50 Environmental Assessment, Risk Management and Corrective Action Committee.  She leads an ASTM Task Group on PFAS Sampling and Analytical Methods and co-leads another on the Use of Molecular Biological Tools in Remediation. 


Contact: (713) 903-9042

[email protected]