Griffin DeWatering

VP Water Treatment


Edward Carter - Vice President of Water Treatment at Griffin Dewatering has 17 years’ experience in the water treatment and water handling business. Ed started with hands on field experience as a technician moving to project management then progressing into sales/business development and now to his current role at Griffin Dewatering. His career started in the pump rental industry and then moved into water filtration starting with suspended solids filtration and turbidity control then quickly transitioned into more advanced watering treatment applications such as metals precipitation/oxidation, media adsorption, bioremediation, and o-zone oxidation/disinfection. His career has been mostly spent adapting and meeting the challenges of new regulations and developing treatment applications for emerging contaminates in the construction and power industry for temporary water treatment to allow project sites to discharge impacted groundwater to meet local discharge permit regulations across the United States.


Contact: (443) 504-9883

[email protected]