North Carolina Dept. of Environmental Quality

Director of Waste Management


Michael Scott is the Director for the Division of Waste Management, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. Michael has worked for the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality (formerly the state Department of Environment and Natural Resources) for more than 18 years and previously served as the branch head of the Composting and Land Application Branch, section chief of the Solid Waste Section, and deputy director of the N.C. Division of Waste Management before becoming director in 2016. As the director, Michael is responsible for managing the Hazardous Waste, Solid Waste, Superfund, and Underground Storage Tank Sections, as well as the administrative functions (such as budget, purchasing, personnel, safety, computer/software support, public information officer, and Brownfields Program). Michael directs, organizes, and manages legislative issues related to the state Division of Waste Management, including presentations before state committees, contact with individual legislative members and drafts of proposed bills for policy and conformity to division and department goals. He received bachelor’s and master’s degrees from North Carolina State University in Agronomy and is a graduate of the N.C.S.U. Natural Resources Leadership Institute.

Contact: (919) 707-8246

[email protected]